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Several screenshots to article about HDR

HDR screenshot

HDR screenshot

HDR screenshot

Several screenshots to article about extended Cartoon Rendering model

Extended cartoon rendering

Extended cartoon rendering

Extended cartoon rendering

CSG example - subtracting one object from another using SCS method


Volume Rendering

Volume rendering screenshots (isosurface rendering) using raycasting on GPU of 3D texture

volumetric raycasting

Volumetric raycasting

Two more screenshots (it's a slice-based approach, not raycasting).

Volume rendering

Volume rendering

Рендеринг "толстых" линий (на основе примера из NV SDK)

softlines screenshot

Grass rendering (based on GPU Gems 1-2)

Grass rendering

Grass rendering

Grass rendering as billboards

NPR - hatching

Hatch shading screenshot

Hatch shading screenshot

cellular texturing screenshots(it looks more interesting when running a demo, since it's all animated).

Realtime cellular texturing

Realtime cellular texturing

Realtime cellular texturing

A teapot, textured by multifractal function from "Texturing and Modelling: Procedural Approach"


Rippled reflection

Reflecting water with ripple

Rendering surface of a CD using a GLSL-shader (based on chapter from GPU Gems)

Rendering of CD surface

Rendering of CD surface

Teapots with procedural texturing

Procedural granite teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural marble teapot

Procedural veined marble teapot

Procedural veined marble teapot

rim lighting model with a Phong model

Rim lighting model

Clouded sky, sky color is computed via allweather Perez model. Clouds are computed using a noise function

Perez sky with noise-based clouds

Perez sky with noise-based clouds

Using texture bombing for modelling rain drops on a surface

Procedural rain via texture bombing

Procedural rain via texture bombing

Glass teapot with refraction and reflection and Fresnel coefficients

Procedural refraction/reflaction combined with Fresnel coefficients

Here for red, green and blue colors three different refraction coefficients are used:

Refraction/reflectiion with Fresnel coefficients and differenet refraction index for each color component

Refraction/reflectiion with Fresnel coefficients and differenet refraction index for each color component

texture bombing

Texture bombing

Texture bombing

Waves on an image as a posteffect

Waves on image as postprocessing effect

Example of using noise function for modifying surface normals

Bumpmapping with noise function

Using turbulence function for modifying normals:

Bumpmapping with urbulence

Using turblence ans stripes for bumpmapping

One more example of procedural bump mapping:

procedural bump mapping

procedural bump mapping

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