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Several screenshots to article about HDR |
Several screenshots to article about extended Cartoon Rendering model |
CSG example - subtracting one object from another using SCS method |
Volume Rendering |
Volume rendering screenshots (isosurface rendering) using raycasting on GPU of 3D texture
Two more screenshots (it's a slice-based approach, not raycasting).
Рендеринг "толстых" линий (на основе примера из NV SDK) |
Grass rendering (based on GPU Gems 1-2) |
NPR - hatching |
cellular texturing screenshots(it looks more interesting when running a demo, since it's all animated). |
A teapot, textured by multifractal function from "Texturing and Modelling: Procedural Approach" |
Rippled reflection |
Rendering surface of a CD using a GLSL-shader (based on chapter from GPU Gems) |
Teapots with procedural texturing |
rim lighting model with a Phong model |
Clouded sky, sky color is computed via allweather Perez model. Clouds are computed using a noise function |
Using texture bombing for modelling rain drops on a surface |
Glass teapot with refraction and reflection and Fresnel coefficients |
Here for red, green and blue colors three different refraction coefficients are used:
texture bombing |
Waves on an image as a posteffect |
Example of using noise function for modifying surface normals |
Using turbulence function for modifying normals:
One more example of procedural bump mapping: